Category Archives: Kaisers

Remembering The Kaisers

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Brothers of the Zeta,

It is with deep sadness that I report the passing of Bob Kaiser ’39 on August 22, 2012. Bob turned 95 this past spring. He’d been suffering for a few years, yet his interest in his family, the stock market and Psi U remained keen even in his final hours.

His wife, Evelyn Kaiser, an honorary member of the Zeta, died three weeks later on September 11. She was diagnosed with cancer 18 months ago. Like her husband, she left us gracefully and at peace with
the world.

Bob and Ev finally managed to retire as the Zeta’s advisors just a year ago. To say that our chapter would not have been what it was without them is a serious understatement. Other fraternities at the
College have struggled or even disappeared over the 46 years we shared with Bob and Ev. If we didn’t see the merit of maintaining high standards ourselves, we had to do the right thing anyway – because for the Kaisers there was no other option.

Beyond their roles as standard-bearers, Mr. and Mrs. K were our friends. They took a personal interest in many of us; especially those who attended the Wednesday K-Jams in the living room and kitchen on
Rayton Road. As mentioned in the obituary reproduced with this letter, Bob was proud of us and kept track of our paths after graduation.

A memorial service is scheduled for Saturday, October 13th at 4:30pm in Rollins Chapel. A reception will follow at the DOC house on Rope Ferry Road. You are invited to celebrate Bob and Ev’s lives and to honor Dartmouth’s finest.

More details regarding Bob and Ev and the memorial will be made available right here on the our new website.

Robert Kaiser

By | Kaisers | No Comments

The Dartmouth published an article about Bob Kaiser’s life and his wonderful and impactful influence on the Dartmouth community.

Kaiser demonstrated the meaning and value of belonging to something larger than oneself, according to Psi U member Tyler Brace ’11.

“He showed us how the bonds you develop at Dartmouth really are lifelong,” Brace said. “People like him are irreplaceable. He is the epitome of the Dartmouth man that we should all aspire to be, and he will be severely missed.”

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