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About Psi Upsilon, Zeta Chapter

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Digital Zeta – Spring 2020

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Read the full Zeta here. Archon’s Address The Psi U Brotherhood continues to succeed academically, athletically, socially and philanthropically. We outpaced everyone for the most money raised for the CHaD,…

Fall 2016 Trustees Meeting Agenda

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Location: 7 West Wheelock St, Hanover, NH Date: Saturday 10/29 Time: 10am – 12:30pm Agenda Introductions (5 mins) Approval of the minutes from 2015 (5 mins) Zeta Association financial review…

Fall 2015 Trustees Meeting Agenda

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Meeting Information This year’s Trustees meeting will be held at 10:00 am on Saturday, November 1st. Meeting Agenda Approval of last year’s minutes Moving Psi U Forward – Discussion on…

Digital Zeta – Fall 2015

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ARCHON’S ADDRESS Julian Barnes defines history as “that certainty produced at the point where the imperfections of memory meet the inadequacies of documentation.” One of the greatest pleasures as undergraduates…

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Moving Dartmouth Forward — The Greek Proposal

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